Games & Practicing Resources

Making the mundane fun!

You don’t need to have an instrument to play. Your opponent can hum or clap the part. This is a fun way for parents to join in.

Use a dice or dice app and download the cards below to play these games.


Crawl your way to finger strength and flexibility! This game is designed to help you with the basics of finger control in a fun way. Play by yourself or with a friend and you are on your way to finger control.


Gaining pick control takes a lot of work. The spider game helps develop the skills to move effortlessly around the fretboard and gain more control.


Yes, pirates can play instruments. But watch out or they will steal your treasure. To unlock the treasure chest you need to be a pirate and a musician. Play the riff or chord to open up the chest.


Practice your riffs and chords as you climb to the top of the boulder. Roll a dice, draw a card, and see who will get to the end first.


Let your guard down for one second and it could be your last. Fight to the death (of your character) Roll a dice, strengthen your guy, and destroy your opponent in a game of string fighter.

Number Cards

Print & Cut at Home
✂️ ✂️ ✂️

Use your Phone or Tablet!

Instead of physical cards or dice… THERE’S AN APP FOR THAT! Using your touch device works great when sitting somewhere with your instrument in hand, and it’s a lot quieter too. (Bonus: save a few trees. 🌳🌳🌳)

Web Browser

Bypass the app and roll a dice right in your web browser here

iOS App: Dice Roller!

Here’s a great app we’ve found for iPhone/iPad that works well and is really Fun!!!! You can also use it as a substitute for physical cards.

How to Use

Here’s a quick video on how to set it up.